5 Different Kinds of Tech That Make You Smarter

  By Joanne Elliot  

With today’s fast-changing technological advancements, the market is becoming saturated with all sorts of apps and tech tools that are taking over our professional, academic, and personal lives. The digital economy is now unthinkable without the use of modern technologies. 


Mobile apps are perhaps the best example, as their absence makes our lives a bit too complicated to manage. According to Forbes, 3.8 trillion hours were spent on mobile apps in 2021 alone. 


The above does not mean all technologies are well-designed and practical, though. We have carried out careful research to identify the top 5 tools that can make you smarter, more effective, or more savvy. Have a look at the list below to take advantage of the benefits the recommended tools have to offer.


Online education tools
Online education has started to dominate the education world. With the spread of the pandemic, the need for effective online tools became ever more pronounced. It has made education cheaper, more accessible, and more flexible.  


There is a broad range of options available, so if you choose an online education tool that meets your needs and interests best, you can accelerate the learning process to make progress toward your long-term education goals. You can also be more savvy by combining online and traditional class-based sessions if your chosen subject requires in-person interaction. If you are struggling with your academic assignments, consider getting research paper help to complete your tasks on time. 



Smart tables
Smart tables are a relatively recent invention that can make information accessible to all ages. They make the display sturdier than smartboards. They also help simultaneous interactions more rigorously. For instance, a smart table is capable of handling up to 50 touch pints at a time. It is a great tool for game-based learning methods.


The biggest downside of smart tables is their high cost. Not all can afford them. Whoever can, they definitely enjoy their functionality and capacity to deal with multiple and complex concepts. They can really make your learning experience both enjoyable and more efficient.


Artificial intelligence
AI-based tools are not new any longer. Their potential is yet to be fully realized, but they are already making us smarter than we are. Whether it is everyday appliances or 3D printers, AI technology is making inroads into our homes and academic lives. AI-driven design solutions are another great field where we can make ourselves stand out.


If you are trying to develop your writing skills, AI-based tools can also come in handy. Some help generates great conclusions. Others help paraphrase sentences and texts to provide useful alternatives.



Creative spaces
Whoever came up with the idea of developing creative spaces must have been truly creative. These provide a physical workspace for people to come together and discuss ideas, share experiences, and develop joint projects. 


What I like most about them is they provide space for face-to-face communication and interaction. While this may look old school, it isn’t because such spaces are loaded with tech. In a way, they offer a perfect combination of technology and human interaction. 


Digital marketing tools
Digital marketing is another broad field where it has become nearly impossible to operate successfully without the aid of technology. It has become a cutthroat business with fierce competition and continued rivalry for customers. 

Marketing methods have become extremely sophisticated and diverse. If you are tech-savvy, you raise your chances of becoming a successful market expert. 


Final Thoughts
Given the speed with which tech tools are taking over all walks of life, we seem to be in a sort of a technological rat race to keep catching up with updates, new tools, and resources. We have to do it lest we want to be outpaced or outsmarted by rivals. 


Make the most of the recommended tech tools to stay ahead of the curve. Be smart about how you use them to make you even smarter than you already are. Not only will they make your life easier, but also they will improve your academic performance, business transactions, and communications. 


Joanne Elliot is a long-time blogger and reviewer of all the key technological developments, apps, and hacks that make it easier for users to get the most of new gadgets and tools. She has a background in app design and coding, so she knows a lot about how technology companies and the digital market function. Follow Joanne’s blogs for great insights and tips before you start using new tools, online resources, apps, or mobile devices.




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